
Story & Narrative

Story & Narrative

Humans use stories to make sense of the world. When we’re engaged in social change work we come up against collective stories that maintain the status quo. Such stories are used to justify power imbalances, exploitation and destruction. To make positive change we need to intervene narratively: amplifying an alternative world view, bringing hidden characters to light, and holding out a brighter future.

The resources in this topic include frameworks, templates, tools and messaging guides to help you tell powerful stories.

Projecting Power: Visual Strategy for Movements

Projecting Power: Visual Strategy for Movements

Webinars on visual strategy will help you make a plan to create the images we need to win. You’ll be ready to tell a bolder story in the street, maximizing threat to power and making actions more welcoming and joyful.

Projecting Power: Visual Strategy for Movements

Projecting Power: Visual Strategy for Movements

Webinars on visual strategy will help you make a plan to create the images we need to win. You’ll be ready to tell a bolder story in the street, maximizing threat to power and making actions more welcoming and joyful.