
Social media

Cartoon of two eggplants in suits and sunglasses. Text reads 'Eggplants are a key component of the surveillance state. They are always listening. Most vegetables are.'

Tools for More Secure Activism

CounterAct encourages the progressive and radical movements on the Australian continent to get better at digital privacy and security. Security culture is simply a set of practices that limits the ability for government or opponents to find out more information about you and interfere with or monitor your group. We’ve given you some tools to minimise this.

A computer screen displaying colourful, striking images, like a result of a google search. Most are out of focus, but in focus is a grand glacial valley, and a human figure silhouetted against the sunset, holding a bright flare.

Find Free Images Online

Need a relevant photo for your urgent social media post right now? Or found the perfect one, but don’t know if you can use it? Here’s some great hints, sources and links.

Screenshot of the Ecomark website. A model in blue sits on a bright pink couch, with flowers on her lap. She is smelling one of them. Overlaid on the image is the text '12956 visitors so far!'

Digital Tactic Inspiration: Ecomark by WeMove

Primark, the international clothing chain, famously does not have an online store. So when EU-wide campaigning organisation WeMove chose to target Primark in a sustainability campaign, they started by launching a parody site.

Diagram showing three arrows in a circle: Cruelty investigations > Public awareness initiatives > Political lobbying for animals

Winning Social Media with Animals Australia

Jesse Marks, former Community Engagement Manager at Animals Australia, at Progress 2015 sharing their theory of change and how they leverage their engaged social media audience to win campaigns.

Red lever with the words 'Emergency Pull'

How to Manage a Social Media Crisis

From time to time, you may need to respond to a difficult situation on your organisation’s social media networks. Keep this crisis checklist on hand to ensure that you can deal with any problems that arise quickly and effectively.

Web browser with facebook landing page open

Facebook Comments Policy

A clear Facebook comments policy is central to making sure everyone is aware of how they are expected to behave when engaging in your community’s online conversation. Take some inspiration from this example written by Jessie Mawson for Amnesty International Australia.

Title page of how to guide

Social Media Activism: A guide to online change making

Social media is a powerful tool for creating change. Your tweets and Facebook posts have the potential to raise awareness of your cause, to get people talking, and to inspire your community to action. Not sure if your online activity is helping to maximise your impact? This how-to guide will help you ensure that your […]

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