
Power mapping

The Power Matrix

This matrix presents how different dimensions of power interact to shape the problem and the possibility of citizen participation and action.

The Power Cube

The Power Cube is a tool to analyse the power your targets hold so you can create a more effective campaign strategy and bring about change.

Protestor holding Stop Adani sign on stage with Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Stop Adani and the Suffragettes Reflections on targets and tactics

Joel Dignam analyses two campaign moments: Stop Adani’s targeting of the ALP in the 2018 Queensland state election and the UK women’s suffrage campaign targeting of Liberals in 1905. The lesson? Target those most likely to give you what you want, and sometimes that means creating political risk for them.

System Map Template

Use this worksheet template to determine how you will talk about your campaign to inspire and motivate people to take action.

Image of an xy axis. The x axis is the level of support and the y axis is the level of influence.

Power Mapping and Analysis

This tool will guide your team through a power mapping analysis to inform your campaign strategy with a thorough picture of the players, and their power. It runs step by step through a collaborative exercise where your team can all contribute to visual map of power holders and power relationships affecting your issue and campaign.

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