Welcome to the Lobbying & Advocacy topic in the Commons Social Change Library. This article guides you through a wide range of materials to inform the public in relation to lobbying, advocacy and policy-making.

Welcome to the Lobbying & Advocacy topic in the Commons Social Change Library. This article guides you through a wide range of materials to inform the public in relation to lobbying, advocacy and policy-making.
A guide developed by ActionStation to support community members with petitions. Some information is specific to the New Zealand parliamentary system and OurActionStation petition platform but many of the steps are relevant for other circumstances.
A guide developed by ActionStation to support community members to run successful petitions, including notes on strategy, tips for getting more signatures, and example campaigns.
The Mobilisation Cookbook is a guide to answer (almost) everything you wanted to know about “people-powered” campaigns at Greenpeace but were afraid to ask.
Decentralised, grassroots-led digital campaigning has taken off in the last decade. This report looks at the impact these campaigns are having, what lessons we can learn from them about success, and what these new campaigns platforms mean for the future of social change.
Want to keep getting great email inspiration? It helps to be signed up to a lot of lists – so you can keep tabs on what’s happening in email. Here are some to get you started.
Welcome to the Lobbying & Advocacy topic in the Commons Social Change Library. This article guides you through a wide range of materials to inform the public in relation to lobbying, advocacy and policy-making.
A guide developed by ActionStation to support community members with petitions. Some information is specific to the New Zealand parliamentary system and OurActionStation petition platform but many of the steps are relevant for other circumstances.
A guide developed by ActionStation to support community members to run successful petitions, including notes on strategy, tips for getting more signatures, and example campaigns.
The Mobilisation Cookbook is a guide to answer (almost) everything you wanted to know about “people-powered” campaigns at Greenpeace but were afraid to ask.
Decentralised, grassroots-led digital campaigning has taken off in the last decade. This report looks at the impact these campaigns are having, what lessons we can learn from them about success, and what these new campaigns platforms mean for the future of social change.
Want to keep getting great email inspiration? It helps to be signed up to a lot of lists – so you can keep tabs on what’s happening in email. Here are some to get you started.