Learn about Organizing for Liberation with this write up from this event about Hope & Solidarity in Global Student Movements for Palestine.

Learn about Organizing for Liberation with this write up from this event about Hope & Solidarity in Global Student Movements for Palestine.
An inside account of the student movement (protest and camp) that forced Ireland’s Trinity College to divest from Israel.
Lessons on movement building from one of the founders of the Serbian student movement that brought down dictator Slobodan Milosevic.
From mentoring to monitoring – Ideas and advice how educators and faculty can support students involved in student protests.
Timeline case study of direct action to voter registration follows the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC (US) from 1960 – 1962.
University of Sydney students uncover and protest discrimination of Aboriginal people in NSW in 1965 by engaging in Freedom Rides.
Australia has a long history of students walking out of the classroom to demand change. A timeline of Australian school strikes from the 1930s until 2024.
Samuel Chu – founder of Hong Kong Democracy Council in the US – discusses the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement and international solidarity.
Myint Cho, Burmese student pro-democracy activist, discusses the civil disobedience movement in Burma from past to present.
The ChangeMakers podcast is short series podcast that tells stories about people who are striving for social change across the world.
Learn about Organizing for Liberation with this write up from this event about Hope & Solidarity in Global Student Movements for Palestine.
An inside account of the student movement (protest and camp) that forced Ireland’s Trinity College to divest from Israel.
Lessons on movement building from one of the founders of the Serbian student movement that brought down dictator Slobodan Milosevic.
From mentoring to monitoring – Ideas and advice how educators and faculty can support students involved in student protests.
Timeline case study of direct action to voter registration follows the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC (US) from 1960 – 1962.
University of Sydney students uncover and protest discrimination of Aboriginal people in NSW in 1965 by engaging in Freedom Rides.
Australia has a long history of students walking out of the classroom to demand change. A timeline of Australian school strikes from the 1930s until 2024.
Samuel Chu – founder of Hong Kong Democracy Council in the US – discusses the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement and international solidarity.
Myint Cho, Burmese student pro-democracy activist, discusses the civil disobedience movement in Burma from past to present.
The ChangeMakers podcast is short series podcast that tells stories about people who are striving for social change across the world.