
Media – Strategy

The NEON Guide to Progressive Media Work

The NEON Guide to Progressive Media Work

NEON’s Press Officer Handbook, a comprehensive guide to effective media work in social movements. Includes writing press releases, using the phone, preparing spokespeople for broadcast and much more.

Strategic Media Engagement

Strategic Media Engagement

The media can be a powerful mode of communication which can have a big impact on the success or failure of our initiatives. But how do we ensure our communications are strategic and don’t just end up being more noise?

The NEON Guide to Progressive Media Work

The NEON Guide to Progressive Media Work

NEON’s Press Officer Handbook, a comprehensive guide to effective media work in social movements. Includes writing press releases, using the phone, preparing spokespeople for broadcast and much more.

Strategic Media Engagement

Strategic Media Engagement

The media can be a powerful mode of communication which can have a big impact on the success or failure of our initiatives. But how do we ensure our communications are strategic and don’t just end up being more noise?