The rapid response worksheet from Narrative Initiative enables you to use a strategic communications framework in the face of crisis or breaking news.
Who What How: Narrative Strategy Worksheet for Issue Campaigns
Use this worksheet from the Narrative Initiative to help ensure that issue campaigns have a strategic, nimble, long-term vision and plan.
The Urgency of Intersectionality: TED talk by Kimberlé Crenshaw
Crenshaw uses the term “intersectionality” to describe the reality of race and gender bias & understand how the two can combine to create even more harm.
The Common Cause Handbook: A Guide to Values and Frames
This handbook is a practical and accessible introduction to the importance of values and frames for organisations working towards a more sustainable and just society.
Framing the Economy: How to Win the Case for a Better System
The PIRC, the New Economics Foundation, NEON and the FrameWorks Institute have launched two story strategies that progressives can use to shift thinking on the economy. They’re built on values and metaphors that encourage the hope that change is possible and increase people’s support for progressive policies.
Where now for the environment movement? Weathercocks and signposts ten years on
Weathercocks and Signposts, a report from WWF, critically reassesses current approaches to motivating environmentally-friendly behaviour change.
Common Cause for Nature: A practical guide to values and frames in conservation
Common Cause for Nature contains many lessons based on academic research on how to spark behaviour changes. The analysis showed that there are competing sets of human values within each of us which can be encouraged and discouraged by language and experience.
Framing Equality Toolkit
This toolkit is a short guide to strategic communications, based on extensive research and building on the experience of activists and communicators from around the globe. It aims to provide a framework rather than a blueprint; helping you to ask the right questions rather than giving you the right answers.
Networked Change: How Progressive Campaigns are Won in the 21st Century
Directed-network campaigns combine self-organized people power with enough centralized structure to focus on clear political and cultural targets. The Networked Change Report maps out the strategies and practices that made today’s most successful advocacy campaigns work.
Communicating Race Class Video with Anat Shenker-Osorio
Anat Shenker-Osorio shows how to apply research findings around communicating about race and class to the increasing white nationalism, xenophobia and race-based attacks that punctuate politics around the globe.
Rapid Response Worksheet: A framework for advancing narrative strategy in the face of a crisis or breaking news development
The rapid response worksheet from Narrative Initiative enables you to use a strategic communications framework in the face of crisis or breaking news.
Who What How: Narrative Strategy Worksheet for Issue Campaigns
Use this worksheet from the Narrative Initiative to help ensure that issue campaigns have a strategic, nimble, long-term vision and plan.
The Urgency of Intersectionality: TED talk by Kimberlé Crenshaw
Crenshaw uses the term “intersectionality” to describe the reality of race and gender bias & understand how the two can combine to create even more harm.
The Common Cause Handbook: A Guide to Values and Frames
This handbook is a practical and accessible introduction to the importance of values and frames for organisations working towards a more sustainable and just society.
Framing the Economy: How to Win the Case for a Better System
The PIRC, the New Economics Foundation, NEON and the FrameWorks Institute have launched two story strategies that progressives can use to shift thinking on the economy. They’re built on values and metaphors that encourage the hope that change is possible and increase people’s support for progressive policies.
Where now for the environment movement? Weathercocks and signposts ten years on
Weathercocks and Signposts, a report from WWF, critically reassesses current approaches to motivating environmentally-friendly behaviour change.
Common Cause for Nature: A practical guide to values and frames in conservation
Common Cause for Nature contains many lessons based on academic research on how to spark behaviour changes. The analysis showed that there are competing sets of human values within each of us which can be encouraged and discouraged by language and experience.
Framing Equality Toolkit
This toolkit is a short guide to strategic communications, based on extensive research and building on the experience of activists and communicators from around the globe. It aims to provide a framework rather than a blueprint; helping you to ask the right questions rather than giving you the right answers.
Networked Change: How Progressive Campaigns are Won in the 21st Century
Directed-network campaigns combine self-organized people power with enough centralized structure to focus on clear political and cultural targets. The Networked Change Report maps out the strategies and practices that made today’s most successful advocacy campaigns work.
Communicating Race Class Video with Anat Shenker-Osorio
Anat Shenker-Osorio shows how to apply research findings around communicating about race and class to the increasing white nationalism, xenophobia and race-based attacks that punctuate politics around the globe.