Sophie Hartley presented on impact evaluation in campaigns and social movements at FWD+Organise 2024.
What to do when we ‘Lose’
Some important lessons on dealing with loss from a recent generation-defining struggle in New Zealand: the Save Happy Valley Campaign.
10 Tips for how the Climate Movement can Improve Experiences for Activists with Diverse Health Needs
Researchers interviewed climate activists about their physical and mental health experiences. Here are 10 tips based on the activists’ experiences, insights and recommendations.
Beautiful Action Trainer Modules (BATMo): Resources for Nonviolent Action Trainers
People Power, Civil Resistance and Nonviolent Action NVA Trainers and Facilitators – Lists of training activities from Beautiful Trouble.
Before Action Reviews (BARs) and After Action Reviews (AARs)
Useful tools to help with planning and reflections in your campaigns – Before Action Reviews (BARs) and After Action Reviews (AARs).
Behind the scenes of Sunrise’s volunteer-led phone bank program
Want to know how to run a large scale volunteer led phonebank? Learn from the Sunrise Movement and how they managed their teams.
Running Effective Campaign Debriefs
Every campaign is a learning opportunity. Make the most of this by planning for the post-campaign period and setting up debriefs. Here are some tips for campaigners and facilitators.
Nonviolent Community Safety and Peacebuilding Handbook
Resource for activists engaged in work for peace including practical ways to intervene in violence, to transform conflict and to build peace.
Activist Support and Debriefing
Activists need to individually and collectively deal with feelings such as loss, grief, frustration, anger and despair. We can set up our groups to provide support to each other including emotional support, support for action, and educational support.
Reviewing your Activist Year
Why not take some time out to reflect on the year that was, before jumping in to plans for the next? Different approaches to reflection are explored including journalling, art and ritual. Plus there’s a handy worksheet which you can use (at any time of the year).
Impact Evaluation in Campaigns and Social Movements
Sophie Hartley presented on impact evaluation in campaigns and social movements at FWD+Organise 2024.
What to do when we ‘Lose’
Some important lessons on dealing with loss from a recent generation-defining struggle in New Zealand: the Save Happy Valley Campaign.
10 Tips for how the Climate Movement can Improve Experiences for Activists with Diverse Health Needs
Researchers interviewed climate activists about their physical and mental health experiences. Here are 10 tips based on the activists’ experiences, insights and recommendations.
Beautiful Action Trainer Modules (BATMo): Resources for Nonviolent Action Trainers
People Power, Civil Resistance and Nonviolent Action NVA Trainers and Facilitators – Lists of training activities from Beautiful Trouble.
Before Action Reviews (BARs) and After Action Reviews (AARs)
Useful tools to help with planning and reflections in your campaigns – Before Action Reviews (BARs) and After Action Reviews (AARs).
Behind the scenes of Sunrise’s volunteer-led phone bank program
Want to know how to run a large scale volunteer led phonebank? Learn from the Sunrise Movement and how they managed their teams.
Running Effective Campaign Debriefs
Every campaign is a learning opportunity. Make the most of this by planning for the post-campaign period and setting up debriefs. Here are some tips for campaigners and facilitators.
Nonviolent Community Safety and Peacebuilding Handbook
Resource for activists engaged in work for peace including practical ways to intervene in violence, to transform conflict and to build peace.
Activist Support and Debriefing
Activists need to individually and collectively deal with feelings such as loss, grief, frustration, anger and despair. We can set up our groups to provide support to each other including emotional support, support for action, and educational support.
Reviewing your Activist Year
Why not take some time out to reflect on the year that was, before jumping in to plans for the next? Different approaches to reflection are explored including journalling, art and ritual. Plus there’s a handy worksheet which you can use (at any time of the year).