
Tactics – Creative

people at climate change march with person holding orange parasol with words "we are the people's climate march"

Parasols of Protest

Activism and Artivism – Sharon France, graphic designer, shares how she created the designs for ‘parasols for protests’ for the People’s Climate March.

The Art(s) of Non-violent Activism

Marty Branagan discusses the role of the arts (music, visual art, street theatre) as an effective method of protest and social change in Australia.

Activism and the Power of Humour

This paper uses Australian case studies to demonstrate the continued evolution of the use of humour in environmental, peace, and social justice movements.

Black and white photograph of four protestors standing in front of Old Parliament House. Placards read 'Land Ownership Not Lease', 'Land Rights or Else!', 'Why Pay to Use Our Own Land', 'Which Do You Choose: Land Rights or Bloodshed?'. 'Legally This is Our Land. We Shall Take It If Need Be'.

The Aboriginal Tent Embassy

The Aboriginal Tent Embassy was established in 1972 when the Coalition Government failed to recognise the land rights of Indigenous people. From its inception, the Embassy has been interwoven into Canberra’s physical and political landscape, blending black politics, symbolism and theatre that opponents have found difficult to counter.

Stencil reads 'Better to Squat than Let Houses Rot'

Victoria Street Squats: Anti development struggles in Sydney in the 1970s

Iain McIntyre talks with Ian Milliss about his involvement with Sydney’s Victoria St squats. During the early 1970s this street in Kings Cross became the focus of a long running anti-development struggle that brought together long term residents, unionists and squatters in a campaign which reignited squatting across the city.

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