Better understand how the work of activists, bridge-builders, and organizers can reinforce one another as well as be in constructive tension.
Civil resistance
The Checklist to End Tyranny: How Dissidents will Win 21st Century Civil Resistance Campaigns
This book is designed to help opponents of autocratic regimes become more strategic and more skilful in their struggle for democracy.
Australian Campaign Case Study: Stop Adani, 2012 – 2022
The Stop Adani campaign was a directed network campaign aiming to halt the construction of a large thermal coal mine in northern Queensland.
Perspectives on Ukrainian Civil Resistance
The following articles include opinion pieces on the current situation in Ukraine, the case for nonviolent civil resistance, information about the successful nonviolent Orange Revolution of 2014, and ways to keep up to date on the unfolding war.
Social Movements and the (mis)use of Research: Extinction Rebellion and the 3.5% rule
Extinction Rebellion member Kyle R Matthews explores how scholarship regarding civil resistance campaigns seeking regime change has been used by environmental activists.
Civil Resistance against Climate Change: What, when, who and how effective?
New research considers what Australian climate activism – specifically climate change civil resistance – looks like, how it is changing, and what it is achieving.
Australian Rainforest Action Groups boycott Malaysian Rainforest Timber, 1988-1994
Australian Rainforest Action Groups blockaded ships bringing rainforest timbers logged in Sarawak, Malaysia.
Australians Block Cricket and Impede Rugby Tour of Apartheid South Africa, 1971
Anti-apartheid protesters impeded the South African Springboks rugby tour, and stopped the cricket tour, to protest racial inequality.
Practical Guide to Law and Protests in the Australian Capital Territory
A practical guide to help groups and individuals understand legal issues around organising and participating in non-violent direct actions in the Australian Capital Territory.
Civil Resistance Tactics in the 21st Century: Report and Webinar
An update of Gene Sharp’s 198 methods of nonviolent action, detailing inspiring and powerful civil resistance tactics.
Bridge Building and Power Building: An Ecosystem Approach to Social Change
Better understand how the work of activists, bridge-builders, and organizers can reinforce one another as well as be in constructive tension.
The Checklist to End Tyranny: How Dissidents will Win 21st Century Civil Resistance Campaigns
This book is designed to help opponents of autocratic regimes become more strategic and more skilful in their struggle for democracy.
Australian Campaign Case Study: Stop Adani, 2012 – 2022
The Stop Adani campaign was a directed network campaign aiming to halt the construction of a large thermal coal mine in northern Queensland.
Perspectives on Ukrainian Civil Resistance
The following articles include opinion pieces on the current situation in Ukraine, the case for nonviolent civil resistance, information about the successful nonviolent Orange Revolution of 2014, and ways to keep up to date on the unfolding war.
Social Movements and the (mis)use of Research: Extinction Rebellion and the 3.5% rule
Extinction Rebellion member Kyle R Matthews explores how scholarship regarding civil resistance campaigns seeking regime change has been used by environmental activists.
Civil Resistance against Climate Change: What, when, who and how effective?
New research considers what Australian climate activism – specifically climate change civil resistance – looks like, how it is changing, and what it is achieving.
Australian Rainforest Action Groups boycott Malaysian Rainforest Timber, 1988-1994
Australian Rainforest Action Groups blockaded ships bringing rainforest timbers logged in Sarawak, Malaysia.
Australians Block Cricket and Impede Rugby Tour of Apartheid South Africa, 1971
Anti-apartheid protesters impeded the South African Springboks rugby tour, and stopped the cricket tour, to protest racial inequality.
Practical Guide to Law and Protests in the Australian Capital Territory
A practical guide to help groups and individuals understand legal issues around organising and participating in non-violent direct actions in the Australian Capital Territory.
Civil Resistance Tactics in the 21st Century: Report and Webinar
An update of Gene Sharp’s 198 methods of nonviolent action, detailing inspiring and powerful civil resistance tactics.