The Tactic Star is a tool for planning and evaluating tactics, it names some key factors that change agents should consider when determining their tactics.

The Tactic Star is a tool for planning and evaluating tactics, it names some key factors that change agents should consider when determining their tactics.
Reflections on uncertain times and movement moments including five practical approaches to re-vision and imagine the future.
UK activist trainer Natasha Adams looks at the opportunities for system change during the Coronavirus pandemic, the centrality of care and collectivity, and the implications for campaigners.
Paul Engler makes the case for a mass movement in response to the coronavirus pandemic, demonstrated what people power has achieved in the past to make significant shifts.
A 4 part podcast series from community radion station 3CR celebrating 45 years of direct action by environmental group, Friends of the Earth FOE.
For The Win: the people, strategy and campaigns that changed Australia forever. A podcast series from 2018 featuring interviews with Australian social change agents.
The Spectrum of Allies – a campaign strategy tool developed by George Lakey & Martin Oppenheimer designed to determine allies, opponents and all those in between in a campaign.
Use a spectrum-of-allies analysis to identify the social groups (students, workers) that are affected by your issue, and locate those groups along a spectrum, from active opposition to active allies, so you can focus your efforts on shifting those groups closer to your position.
What is Activist Legal Support? Melbourne Activist Legal Support outlines the elements of legal support and why it’s crucial for activists.
Campaign insights from Daniel Hunter’s book Strategy and Soul about how to fight a battle people think is a ‘done deal’.
The Tactic Star is a tool for planning and evaluating tactics, it names some key factors that change agents should consider when determining their tactics.
Reflections on uncertain times and movement moments including five practical approaches to re-vision and imagine the future.
UK activist trainer Natasha Adams looks at the opportunities for system change during the Coronavirus pandemic, the centrality of care and collectivity, and the implications for campaigners.
Paul Engler makes the case for a mass movement in response to the coronavirus pandemic, demonstrated what people power has achieved in the past to make significant shifts.
A 4 part podcast series from community radion station 3CR celebrating 45 years of direct action by environmental group, Friends of the Earth FOE.
For The Win: the people, strategy and campaigns that changed Australia forever. A podcast series from 2018 featuring interviews with Australian social change agents.
The Spectrum of Allies – a campaign strategy tool developed by George Lakey & Martin Oppenheimer designed to determine allies, opponents and all those in between in a campaign.
Use a spectrum-of-allies analysis to identify the social groups (students, workers) that are affected by your issue, and locate those groups along a spectrum, from active opposition to active allies, so you can focus your efforts on shifting those groups closer to your position.
What is Activist Legal Support? Melbourne Activist Legal Support outlines the elements of legal support and why it’s crucial for activists.
Campaign insights from Daniel Hunter’s book Strategy and Soul about how to fight a battle people think is a ‘done deal’.