

115 results found.

Writing and Using Campaign Case Studies Webinar

Introduction This webinar about writing and using case studies was originally delivered as part of the Commons Library’s Skills Sessions on 19 October 2022. Watch Webinar   What are…

icon of a dart board with an arrow on the bullseye

Campaign Strategy: Start Here

Introduction In a nutshell, campaigns are sustained efforts at a specific social justice goal. Campaigns are a powerful way of strategically building the capacity, developing experience, and laying the groundwork…

illustration of broken jail bars

Jail Solidarity and Supporting Prisoners

Introduction In recent times Australia and other countries have seen the introduction and threat of new laws aimed at further criminalizing blockades, lock-ons and other forms of non-violent direct action….

pocket watch

Activism and Campaign History: Start Here

Introduction Welcome to the History topic in the Commons Social Change Library. We have gathered a wide range of resources about the history of First Nations, social and labour movements…

workers sitting on steps outside Opera House

The 1972 Sydney Opera House Work-In

Introduction From students and others protesting against the sacking of its architect through to anti-war activists daubing “No War” on its sails, the Sydney Opera House has long been a…

black and white photo of two police dragging one person along the ground and accompanying another woman off a sports oval

Australian Actions at the Point of Assumption

Introduction Points of Intervention, as identified by Patrick Reinsborough and Doyle Canning, are places where targeted action can have the most impact in terms of disrupting injustice and destruction and…

a group of men in work clothes covered in coal dust wearing hard hats with miners lamps on the hats

The Nymboida Coal Mine Takeover, NSW, 1975–1979

Introduction During the 1970s a series of Australian workplace occupations and ‘work-ins’ challenged employers’ right to hire and fire and demonstrated how workers themselves could set the conditions and results…

silhouette of hand putting a voting ballot into a box

Elections and Activism: Case Studies

The Commons has been gathering perspectives on the role of elections as part of social change strategies; case studies of past campaigns; guides to different tactics relevant to elections; and…

silhouette of hand putting a voting ballot into a box

Elections and Activism: Campaign Skills

The Commons has been gathering perspectives on the role of elections as part of social change strategies; case studies of past campaigns; guides to different tactics relevant to elections; and…

an illustration of a pair of scissors opened up to cut under the title which reads The Barber who read history

A Shelf of Reds: Neglected Radical Historians

Introduction The Barber Who Read History: Essays in Radical History is a collection of writings authored individually and jointly by Rowan Cahill and Terry Irving. In it, they cover a…

Scaling Social Movements: An Overview 

Introduction Numerous studies have identified that the numbers, energy and innovation that social movements offer is of core importance to the success of legal, legislative and other means of change….

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