Results for "daniel%20hunter"

Online Training Monster Manual

Online Training Monster Manual

Tired of making new slide decks for interactive tools? Want new ideas on participatory methods online? Looking for new games and warm-ups? The “Online Monster Manual” is a compilation of 80+ online training tools from 350 globally.

Tactics Analysis to Develop Campaign Strategy

Tactics Analysis to Develop Campaign Strategy

A process guide to be used in training workshops and planning sessions to develop campaign strategy. Activists often love our tactics! We can even be wedded to our favourite tactics. Here’s a tool to help move from tactics to a larger strategy conversation by analysing tactics.

The Mobilisation Integration Toolkit

The Mobilisation Integration Toolkit

An overview of the tools and tactics Greenpeace offices around the world use to ensure their office teams are working seamlessly together. Explore by Country/Region and Trait to find the successful practices or “bright spots” highlighting ongoing experiments in team integration.

Results for "daniel%20hunter"

Online Training Monster Manual

Online Training Monster Manual

Tired of making new slide decks for interactive tools? Want new ideas on participatory methods online? Looking for new games and warm-ups? The “Online Monster Manual” is a compilation of 80+ online training tools from 350 globally.

Tactics Analysis to Develop Campaign Strategy

Tactics Analysis to Develop Campaign Strategy

A process guide to be used in training workshops and planning sessions to develop campaign strategy. Activists often love our tactics! We can even be wedded to our favourite tactics. Here’s a tool to help move from tactics to a larger strategy conversation by analysing tactics.

The Mobilisation Integration Toolkit

The Mobilisation Integration Toolkit

An overview of the tools and tactics Greenpeace offices around the world use to ensure their office teams are working seamlessly together. Explore by Country/Region and Trait to find the successful practices or “bright spots” highlighting ongoing experiments in team integration.