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Movements, Organising and Transformational Politics in the Digital Age


Explore a collection of resources on movements, organising and transformational politics in the digital age by Tectonica, a movement building agency.

People don’t become Activists Because of a Cause. (And That Gives me Hope.)

Author: Ned Howey

I believe our progressive campaigns have a problem and it’s part of why we’re losing. We are so focussed on making the case for our causes that we forget the underlying component of what really builds successful movements: communities of activists. I won’t argue that narrative doesn’t have a place. But when we put all of our energy there and ignore the connections between people – something woefully easy to do in the online age – true movements don’t solidify.

In this post, I explore why I believe that the cause itself is not the key to winning power – but the connection which that shared passion for a cause creates between people is. 

If We Can’t Sing Together (Online), How Can We Organize

Author: Ned Howey

If we could show people from 50 years ago what we can do online today, they would be beyond astounded. Connected as we are to thousands of friends across the planet at any moment, able to make video calls from a small box that you carry in your pocket, equipped with unlimited sources of information, what once was the stuff of science fiction is now a reality.

I argue here, however, that for civics, we still have a long way to go; our current online world doesn’t allow for real political organizing – with the fundamentally deep connections required missing from the equation online – and, perhaps, the current online reality is more of a threat to a world of positive civic engagement than an opportunity.

Take 5 for Digital with Gwenn Craig

In this video interview with Gwenn Craig, a legendary LGBTQ activist who worked on Harvey Milk’s campaign leading up to his historic election, she talks to Tectonica’s CEO Ned Howey about the importance of developing real relationships in movement building, and what lessons we need to keep in mind today in the world of progressive activism.

Frameworks of Engagement – Choose your Shape: Ladder, Pyramid, Onion, or Circle

Author: Weronika Paszewska

The work of making change is always a challenge. While there are many components we know fundamentally one thing is key: people. Unfortunately, a lot of organisations focus just on just reaching and recruiting – often via social media. But just building lists itself won’t make a movement in the world.

Supporter’s engagement levels and involvement must be focussed strategically to build people’s power. While this is not something that happens on its own, there are a number of great models already out there which can be used and we’re proposing them here. 

About Tectonica and the Tectonica Organising Network (TON)

Tectonica is a movement building agency with a mission to create a seismic shift in the way politics are done, through innovations that empower social, economic, and environmental justice movements. With a broad array of strategic, creative and technological services, their work helps organisations, political parties, candidates and unions unlock transformational opportunities, build movement infrastructure, and run successful social and political campaigns rooted in people-power. 

As part of its social mission, Tectonica hosts the Tectonica Organising Network (TON) – a community of progressive campaigners working and innovating to win social and political change through people-based power. The community is a centre for best practices, resources, learning, and sharing. People can join here.

Explore a collection of Tectonica’s resources in the Commons Library.

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