A Commons Conversations Podcast featuring an interview with Radhika Jhaveri, an environmental justice activist in India.
Global Grassroots Support Network
The Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN) is an initiative building upon the Blueprints for Change project. The GGSN is building a community of practice that brings together projects supporting “grassroots justice-oriented” activist groups in multiple regions and continents. Our objective is to share knowledge around common challenges that these groups face, and how each project has solved for them. Folks in this network can learn from each others’ experience and swap ideas for trainings, coaching and resource materials (i.e. guides, workshops, media) they created in their own part of the world.
The Power of Music for Social Change: Tips on Using Live Music to Promote Action
A plan and recommendations for musicians on using live music to promote action for social change from Face the Music Collective.
Fundraising Tracker Sheet: Template
Fundraising Tracker Sheet Template designed to help you and your organization plan, track, and forecast fundraising goals for the year.
Activist Digital Security Practices
This Knowledge Roundup about digital security practices for activists is from the Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN).
Supporting Grassroots Justice-oriented Activists Around the World: A Year’s Worth of Learnings
Grassroots activism often lacks funding & support but the Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN) has brought together organizers to tackle common challenges and share resources.
Un Fil Entre Nos Bulles Guide mégalodeste pour l’organisation d’Espaces transnationaux en ligne (Français) [A Guide for organizing transnational online meetings in French]
Le guide, Un fil entre nos bulles, a été élaboré pour outiller les groupes dans la création d’événements transnationaux en ligne.
Organizing against the Far Right
This Knowledge Roundup about organizing against the far right is from the Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN).
Rendre le Militantisme plus Accessible (French – Français) [Making Your Activism Accessible in French]
Ce guide a été élaboré pour aider les militants à rendre leurs espaces, événements, réunions et communications plus accessibles, afin que chacun soit le bienvenu et encouragé à rejoindre un mouvement pour la justice de toutes les manières possibles !
Faire face au roulement des membres (Français) [Navigating turnover in Activist Groups in French)
Guide élaboré pour fournir aux groupes militants des idées et des stratégies pour faire face au roulement des membres, en particulier dans le cas des groupes dirigés par des étudiants.
Manejando la Renovación de Membresia en Grupos Activistas (Spanish – Español)
Guía elaborada para proporcionar ideas y estrategias a los grupos de activistas a la hora de hacer frente a la rotación de miembros, especialmente en el caso de los grupos dirigidos por estudiantes
Commons Conversations: Insights into Environmental Justice Movements in India with Radhika Jhaveri
A Commons Conversations Podcast featuring an interview with Radhika Jhaveri, an environmental justice activist in India.
The Power of Music for Social Change: Tips on Using Live Music to Promote Action
A plan and recommendations for musicians on using live music to promote action for social change from Face the Music Collective.
Fundraising Tracker Sheet: Template
Fundraising Tracker Sheet Template designed to help you and your organization plan, track, and forecast fundraising goals for the year.
Activist Digital Security Practices
This Knowledge Roundup about digital security practices for activists is from the Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN).
Supporting Grassroots Justice-oriented Activists Around the World: A Year’s Worth of Learnings
Grassroots activism often lacks funding & support but the Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN) has brought together organizers to tackle common challenges and share resources.
Un Fil Entre Nos Bulles Guide mégalodeste pour l’organisation d’Espaces transnationaux en ligne (Français) [A Guide for organizing transnational online meetings in French]
Le guide, Un fil entre nos bulles, a été élaboré pour outiller les groupes dans la création d’événements transnationaux en ligne.
Organizing against the Far Right
This Knowledge Roundup about organizing against the far right is from the Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN).
Rendre le Militantisme plus Accessible (French – Français) [Making Your Activism Accessible in French]
Ce guide a été élaboré pour aider les militants à rendre leurs espaces, événements, réunions et communications plus accessibles, afin que chacun soit le bienvenu et encouragé à rejoindre un mouvement pour la justice de toutes les manières possibles !
Faire face au roulement des membres (Français) [Navigating turnover in Activist Groups in French)
Guide élaboré pour fournir aux groupes militants des idées et des stratégies pour faire face au roulement des membres, en particulier dans le cas des groupes dirigés par des étudiants.
Manejando la Renovación de Membresia en Grupos Activistas (Spanish – Español)
Guía elaborada para proporcionar ideas y estrategias a los grupos de activistas a la hora de hacer frente a la rotación de miembros, especialmente en el caso de los grupos dirigidos por estudiantes