The key to taking effective action in a Trump world is to avoid perpetuating the autocrat’s goals of fear, isolation, exhaustion and disorientation.

Daniel Hunter is an activist, trainer, strategist and author of multiple books: Building a Movement to End the New Jim Crow, Climate Resistance Handbook, and Strategy and Soul.
He co-founded Choose Democracy to train tens of thousands about what to do in case of a Trump coup and has trained pro-democracy movements in Burma/Myanmar, Thailand, India, and many other places. He has recently worked as Associate Director for Global Training at, where he has developed numerous open source training materials available in many languages.
His activist training tools are everywhere — spread over his years as a Training Elder with Training for Change and Training Director with He is sought after nationally and internationally for his experiential methodology, that builds on wisdom from within the group, building on past successes and challenging limiting beliefs.
The key to taking effective action in a Trump world is to avoid perpetuating the autocrat’s goals of fear, isolation, exhaustion and disorientation.
Remember the power and importance of one on one meetings when organizing to help your groups grow and invite people to step into leadership.
Here is a useful framework to help you understand your role in social change. It describes different social change roles: Helpers, Advocates, Organizers & Rebels.
Strengthen a Campaign with Dilemma Demonstrations – They are effective because rather than telling people about a problem, they show it.
Have you started a campaign? Do you have a campaign goal or goals? Does it fulfil basic criteria? Learn from past campaigns how they chose their goals.
A Tactic Typology presented in a table by Daniel Hunter from Training for Change. The categories are Symbolic Protest, Noncooperation (economic and political) and Alternative Cooperation.
What if Trump (or Harris) wins? is a book and a “pick-your-own-pathway” activity by Daniel Hunter and Choose Democracy. What will you do?
This article “Nonviolent Direct Action as Social Parable” by Daniel Hunter explores how nonviolent direct action (NVDA) functions as a method of social change, akin to parables in religious and philosophical teachings.
Learn about the story and the tactics (protests, hunger strikes) that led to Mongolia’s change from authoritarianism to democracy.
How do you start a campaign for social change? Learn how to create a campaign using tools such as the Spectrum of Allies.
The key to taking effective action in a Trump world is to avoid perpetuating the autocrat’s goals of fear, isolation, exhaustion and disorientation.
Remember the power and importance of one on one meetings when organizing to help your groups grow and invite people to step into leadership.
Here is a useful framework to help you understand your role in social change. It describes different social change roles: Helpers, Advocates, Organizers & Rebels.
Strengthen a Campaign with Dilemma Demonstrations – They are effective because rather than telling people about a problem, they show it.
Have you started a campaign? Do you have a campaign goal or goals? Does it fulfil basic criteria? Learn from past campaigns how they chose their goals.
A Tactic Typology presented in a table by Daniel Hunter from Training for Change. The categories are Symbolic Protest, Noncooperation (economic and political) and Alternative Cooperation.
What if Trump (or Harris) wins? is a book and a “pick-your-own-pathway” activity by Daniel Hunter and Choose Democracy. What will you do?
This article “Nonviolent Direct Action as Social Parable” by Daniel Hunter explores how nonviolent direct action (NVDA) functions as a method of social change, akin to parables in religious and philosophical teachings.
Learn about the story and the tactics (protests, hunger strikes) that led to Mongolia’s change from authoritarianism to democracy.
How do you start a campaign for social change? Learn how to create a campaign using tools such as the Spectrum of Allies.