The Commons Librarians have collated definitions, types of misinformation and disinformation, and common tactics used to spread them.
Countering Disinformation
In this 24 hour social media dominated world ideas and stories spread fast! Right wing forces peddling falsehoods can cause significant harm: targeting communities, hijacking public debate and skewing political processes. It’s crucial that progressives prepare to counter disinformation and misinformation.
With support from Humanists Victoria and the LUSH Charity Pot program, the Commons Library is embarking on a new project which will produce:
– Civil society guide to countering misinformation and disinformation
– Educational resources for young people to increase critical thinking and resilience to disinformation
– Educational sessions, articles and podcasts
Skill Up: Learn to Identify Disinformation with Games and Courses
Skill up and learn to identify disinformation and misinformation with games and courses collated by the Commons library.
How To: Dealing with Disinformation
This guide deals with the issues faced by ordinary campaigners, activists and organizations challenged by disinformation in their day-to-day efforts to make progressive change.
Disinformation and 7 Common Forms of Information Disorder
Learn about disinformation, misinformation and mal-information and the 7 forms of information disorder from HiveMind.
Disinformation 101
A short article about what disinformation is and what you can do about it by the European Center for Digital Actions.
Navigating AI’s Role in Politics, Campaigns, and Advocacy: The TON Reading List
Tectonica has compiled a comprehensive reading list on AI’s impact on politics, campaigning, and advocacy.
Digital Campaigning in Europe: A Series of Articles
This series of articles from the European Center for Digital Action explores the evolving use of digital tools and strategies in political and social campaigns across Europe, covering case studies, technological impacts, democratic implications, and ethical considerations.
Organizing in Increasingly Repressive Environments: Pushing Against Criminalization
With the global rise of authoritarianism, civil society is experiencing an unprecedented crack down. Lessons from organizing against repression in Florida, Brazil, and Nicaragua.
Democracy Undone: The Authoritarian’s Playbook
How populist nationalist leaders across various democracies are employing a playbook involving fear exploitation, institutional undermining, truth erosion, and more to erode democratic values and consolidate power.
1/6: The Graphic Novel: What if the Attack on the U.S. Capitol Succeeded?
1/6 The Graphic Novel is a comic about the US Capitol attacks in 2021. It asks what if the insurrection had been successful?
Disinformation vs Misinformation: Definitions & Types
The Commons Librarians have collated definitions, types of misinformation and disinformation, and common tactics used to spread them.
Skill Up: Learn to Identify Disinformation with Games and Courses
Skill up and learn to identify disinformation and misinformation with games and courses collated by the Commons library.
How To: Dealing with Disinformation
This guide deals with the issues faced by ordinary campaigners, activists and organizations challenged by disinformation in their day-to-day efforts to make progressive change.
Disinformation and 7 Common Forms of Information Disorder
Learn about disinformation, misinformation and mal-information and the 7 forms of information disorder from HiveMind.
Disinformation 101
A short article about what disinformation is and what you can do about it by the European Center for Digital Actions.
Navigating AI’s Role in Politics, Campaigns, and Advocacy: The TON Reading List
Tectonica has compiled a comprehensive reading list on AI’s impact on politics, campaigning, and advocacy.
Digital Campaigning in Europe: A Series of Articles
This series of articles from the European Center for Digital Action explores the evolving use of digital tools and strategies in political and social campaigns across Europe, covering case studies, technological impacts, democratic implications, and ethical considerations.
Organizing in Increasingly Repressive Environments: Pushing Against Criminalization
With the global rise of authoritarianism, civil society is experiencing an unprecedented crack down. Lessons from organizing against repression in Florida, Brazil, and Nicaragua.
Democracy Undone: The Authoritarian’s Playbook
How populist nationalist leaders across various democracies are employing a playbook involving fear exploitation, institutional undermining, truth erosion, and more to erode democratic values and consolidate power.
1/6: The Graphic Novel: What if the Attack on the U.S. Capitol Succeeded?
1/6 The Graphic Novel is a comic about the US Capitol attacks in 2021. It asks what if the insurrection had been successful?