
Blueprints for Change

Blueprints for Change

Blueprints for Change is an open library of advocacy how-to’s put together by campaign innovators in order to help progressive organizers and groups up their game more quickly. The “blueprints” capture, communicate and inform innovative campaigning strategies and tactics. They are co-created and peer-reviewed by practitioners, organisers, and researchers who have experience bringing this work to life.

What makes this collection unique is they are drawn from campaigning practices that are emergent (new and not yet fully documented), currently in demand by campaigning groups and are field-proven (have been applied with success in prior campaigns). To reflect the spirit of constant learning and adaptation in the sector, these models are written up as fluid drafts (google doc format) so they can be updated over time.

Close up photograph of four people gripping hands to wrists forming a solid square.

How to Build Networked Coalitions

How-to guide on networked coalitions/campaigns. Harness the power of networks to develop more agile, dynamic and distributed campaigning coalitions.

mobile phone with whatsapp icon

How to use WhatsApp for campaigning

WhatsApp How to Guide from Blueprints for Change. Use WhatsApp for campaigning, community building, activating networks and crowdsourcing knowledge.

3 people in office on computers

Volunteer-led Phone Banking Guide

Volunteer-led phone banking How to Guide from Blueprints for Change. Learn all the ins and outs of phone banking – theoretical and practical.

close up of hand and mobile phone

Texting campaigns guide

How to guide from Blueprints for Change about how use peer to peer texting (P2P) to deliver calls of action – includes best practice and case studies.

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