A crowdsourced spreadsheet listing a number of digital variations of Gene Sharp’s classic 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action. Valuable inspiration for campaigns seeking new tactics!

A crowdsourced spreadsheet listing a number of digital variations of Gene Sharp’s classic 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action. Valuable inspiration for campaigns seeking new tactics!
Holly Hammond’s speech to the Green Institute’s webinar. Includes suggested resources in relation to staying connected to ourselves, each other, reality and our values.
Suggestions from the Commons Librarians about resources to explore in the Nonviolent Direct Action topic area, including NVDA theory, practical guides and case studies.
Organising builds people power for change. Here is a list of resources to get you started including introductions, different approaches, manuals, tactics, videos and more.
Suggestions from the Commons Librarians about resources to explore in the Arts & Creativity topic area – to help you bring more art and heart to your social change activities.
A collection of resources which include suggested progressive framing and messaging of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 global pandemic and its various impacts.
Beautiful Trouble principles and creative tactics for activism while the world goes through the COVID-19 pandemic. Includes tactics for building a sense of community and continuing to pressure people in power.
Paul Engler makes the case for a mass movement in response to the coronavirus pandemic, demonstrated what people power has achieved in the past to make significant shifts.
In the face of the climate crisis it’s a natural response to experience anxiety, grief and many other feelings. This collection of resources focuses on the emotional and psychological impact of climate change and coping strategies.
A comprehensive guide from the Climate Psychology Alliance (UK). Includes sections on grief, loss, coping strategies and radical hope.
A crowdsourced spreadsheet listing a number of digital variations of Gene Sharp’s classic 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action. Valuable inspiration for campaigns seeking new tactics!
Holly Hammond’s speech to the Green Institute’s webinar. Includes suggested resources in relation to staying connected to ourselves, each other, reality and our values.
Suggestions from the Commons Librarians about resources to explore in the Nonviolent Direct Action topic area, including NVDA theory, practical guides and case studies.
Organising builds people power for change. Here is a list of resources to get you started including introductions, different approaches, manuals, tactics, videos and more.
Suggestions from the Commons Librarians about resources to explore in the Arts & Creativity topic area – to help you bring more art and heart to your social change activities.
A collection of resources which include suggested progressive framing and messaging of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 global pandemic and its various impacts.
Beautiful Trouble principles and creative tactics for activism while the world goes through the COVID-19 pandemic. Includes tactics for building a sense of community and continuing to pressure people in power.
Paul Engler makes the case for a mass movement in response to the coronavirus pandemic, demonstrated what people power has achieved in the past to make significant shifts.
In the face of the climate crisis it’s a natural response to experience anxiety, grief and many other feelings. This collection of resources focuses on the emotional and psychological impact of climate change and coping strategies.
A comprehensive guide from the Climate Psychology Alliance (UK). Includes sections on grief, loss, coping strategies and radical hope.