


Looking for inspiring videos, films and documentaries about social change and activism? The Commons Library has collated them for you.

How to Get More Petition Signatures

How to Get More Petition Signatures

A guide developed by ActionStation to support community members to run successful petitions, including notes on strategy, tips for getting more signatures, and example campaigns.

The Big Five Trends in Video for 2020

The Big Five Trends in Video for 2020

The nature of video and digital campaigning changes so rapidly, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the latest strategies to cut through and move people. This article & presentation outlines 5 key trends plus a useful checklist for developing compelling videos.

Spectrum of Allies

Spectrum of Allies

Use a spectrum-of-allies analysis to identify the social groups (students, workers) that are affected by your issue, and locate those groups along a spectrum, from active opposition to active allies, so you can focus your efforts on shifting those groups closer to your position.

Brave New Words Greater Than Fear – Minnesota

Brave New Words Greater Than Fear – Minnesota

Brave New Words takes listeners on a journey around the globe with renowned communications researcher and campaign advisor Anat Shenker-Osorio. This episode of the podcast reveals how a coalition of grassroots and labor groups found a narrative that speaks to both race and class concerns.

How to Get More Petition Signatures

How to Get More Petition Signatures

A guide developed by ActionStation to support community members to run successful petitions, including notes on strategy, tips for getting more signatures, and example campaigns.

The Big Five Trends in Video for 2020

The Big Five Trends in Video for 2020

The nature of video and digital campaigning changes so rapidly, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the latest strategies to cut through and move people. This article & presentation outlines 5 key trends plus a useful checklist for developing compelling videos.

Spectrum of Allies

Spectrum of Allies

Use a spectrum-of-allies analysis to identify the social groups (students, workers) that are affected by your issue, and locate those groups along a spectrum, from active opposition to active allies, so you can focus your efforts on shifting those groups closer to your position.

Brave New Words Greater Than Fear – Minnesota

Brave New Words Greater Than Fear – Minnesota

Brave New Words takes listeners on a journey around the globe with renowned communications researcher and campaign advisor Anat Shenker-Osorio. This episode of the podcast reveals how a coalition of grassroots and labor groups found a narrative that speaks to both race and class concerns.