


Looking for articles, books, case studies, tips about social change and activism? You’ve found the right place – The Commons Social Change Library.

Strategic Media Engagement

Strategic Media Engagement

The media can be a powerful mode of communication which can have a big impact on the success or failure of our initiatives. But how do we ensure our communications are strategic and don’t just end up being more noise?

Celebration is an Activist Skill

Celebration is an Activist Skill

Activists are often so focused on problems – it’s important to take in wins, whether big or small, to sustain us through the struggle. This article includes reminders of what we can celebrate, how, and why it is so important.

How to Get Your Op-Ed Published

How to Get Your Op-Ed Published

Writing opinion pieces for the media is a powerful way of shifting the public conversation. Here are some great tips to get you started.

Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan

Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan

A summary of Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan. He describes eight stages through which social movements normally progress over a period of years and decades. It provides organizers with a map of the long road of successful movements.

No Shortcuts Organising for Power in the Gilded Age: Book Review

No Shortcuts Organising for Power in the Gilded Age: Book Review

Joel Dignam reviews Jane McAlevey’s No Shortcuts: Organising for Power in the Gilded Age. McAlevey outlines a critique of most contemporary union campaigning, using case studies and other analysis to argue for a deeper more rigorous approach to organising.

Strategy & Soul Insights

Strategy & Soul Insights

Anita Tang reflects on meeting Daniel Hunter and reading his book Strategy and Soul. She shares insights from his work which can contribute to strategic and soulful campaigning.

Power Mapping and Analysis

Power Mapping and Analysis

This tool will guide your team through a power mapping analysis to inform your campaign strategy with a thorough picture of the players, and their power. It runs step by step through a collaborative exercise where your team can all contribute to visual map of power holders and power relationships affecting your issue and campaign.

How to Manage a Social Media Crisis

How to Manage a Social Media Crisis

From time to time, you may need to respond to a difficult situation on your organisation’s social media networks. Keep this crisis checklist on hand to ensure that you can deal with any problems that arise quickly and effectively.

3 Guides for Campaign Evaluation

3 Guides for Campaign Evaluation

Evaluating the impact of advocacy campaigns can seem impossible. Here are three handy guides that can help you undertake effective monitoring and evaluation of your advocacy and campaigning.

Strategic Media Engagement

Strategic Media Engagement

The media can be a powerful mode of communication which can have a big impact on the success or failure of our initiatives. But how do we ensure our communications are strategic and don’t just end up being more noise?

Celebration is an Activist Skill

Celebration is an Activist Skill

Activists are often so focused on problems – it’s important to take in wins, whether big or small, to sustain us through the struggle. This article includes reminders of what we can celebrate, how, and why it is so important.

How to Get Your Op-Ed Published

How to Get Your Op-Ed Published

Writing opinion pieces for the media is a powerful way of shifting the public conversation. Here are some great tips to get you started.

Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan

Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan

A summary of Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan. He describes eight stages through which social movements normally progress over a period of years and decades. It provides organizers with a map of the long road of successful movements.

No Shortcuts Organising for Power in the Gilded Age: Book Review

No Shortcuts Organising for Power in the Gilded Age: Book Review

Joel Dignam reviews Jane McAlevey’s No Shortcuts: Organising for Power in the Gilded Age. McAlevey outlines a critique of most contemporary union campaigning, using case studies and other analysis to argue for a deeper more rigorous approach to organising.

Strategy & Soul Insights

Strategy & Soul Insights

Anita Tang reflects on meeting Daniel Hunter and reading his book Strategy and Soul. She shares insights from his work which can contribute to strategic and soulful campaigning.

Power Mapping and Analysis

Power Mapping and Analysis

This tool will guide your team through a power mapping analysis to inform your campaign strategy with a thorough picture of the players, and their power. It runs step by step through a collaborative exercise where your team can all contribute to visual map of power holders and power relationships affecting your issue and campaign.

How to Manage a Social Media Crisis

How to Manage a Social Media Crisis

From time to time, you may need to respond to a difficult situation on your organisation’s social media networks. Keep this crisis checklist on hand to ensure that you can deal with any problems that arise quickly and effectively.

3 Guides for Campaign Evaluation

3 Guides for Campaign Evaluation

Evaluating the impact of advocacy campaigns can seem impossible. Here are three handy guides that can help you undertake effective monitoring and evaluation of your advocacy and campaigning.